GDC: Bionic Commando: Rearmed scaled back on Live limit

By Patrick Garratt


According to this, Bionic Commando: Rearmed producer Ben Judd has been telling people at GDC that the XBox 360 version of Bionic Commando: Rearmed won’t be as good looking as the PS3 version because of the 150Mb file-size limit placed on Xbox Live content.

Microsoft responded today.

“That’s surprising to hear,” says John Schappert, Microsoft’s corporate VP of Xbox Live, Software, and Services, when we asked him about Capcom’s issues later in the day. “Last I checked it was Capcom that had an exception to our file size with Street Fighter II [Hyper Fighting]…. We raised our limit to 150 megs, which seems pretty darn great…. I don’t think it has limited our games in any way. Look at Rez HD. Look at Poker Smash. Look at Undertow. These are very, very, very good games.”

More through the link.
