Speaking here, Lionhead chief Peter Molyneux has said that whilst experimenting with Dimitri’s AI – a project that now sounds unlikely to ever be released – his team made a discovery that will see a brand new game, already six months in the making, ending up on the cover of Nature and Science.
“Since Black & White, we’ve been thinking a lot about AI,” he said. “Lionhead was founded with that thought of AI in mind. In terms of the core or the theory of the AI, we’ve moved from Black & White onto a project called Dimitri, which I’ve been tantalising you about for a long time. And that team kept on researching. Dimitri was always an experimental thing, which is why I never showed it.
“And then it moved from that experiment to a moment in time that happened six months ago when a discovery was made, and this discovery has been so exciting that it has lead to Lionhead focusing on it and sculpting a game around that. I think that discovery is so significant. This discovery has lead us to start a game and that game will be on the front cover of Nature magazines and Science magazines.”
That’s your lot, however, as it appears Peter’s finally be reined in on the “motor-mouth” front by Microsoft.
“I’m saying absolutely nothing. I’ve been sat down in a room by the head of PR [of Microsoft Games] and been told to not talk about it,” he said.
By Mike Bowden
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