Euro Rock Band Instrument Pack: no game included

By Patrick Garratt

According to IGN, the European Rock Band Instrument Pack will not include an actual copy of the game.

“Unlike the US, which received a Special Edition that includes the game, a Fender Strat guitar, the drum kit and a mic, all for $169 – Europe will only get an Instrument Edition priced £129.99 / 169 Euros, including the three peripherals but not the game – which, bought separately, will set you back £49.99 / 69.99 Euros.” The article says. “So, if you want the proper Rock Band experience, the minimum you’re going to have to shell out is around £180 / 240 Euros.”

The European version of Rock Band will be out on May 23 for 360, will all other versions to follow in the autumn.

Update: Eurogamer’s confirmed it. Oh dear.

By Mike Bowden
