Fallout 3: 30 frames a second “is our goal” across PC, 360 and PS3

By Patrick Garratt


Speaking to videogaming247 at a London Fallout 3 demo today, Bethesda marketing head Peter Hines has revealed that the company’s aim is to have the massively anticipated game ultimately running at 30 frames a second across PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

“Thirty frames a second is our goal, so it’s running at 30 frames a second and it’s nice and smooth,” he said, talking of the PC version.

“Yeah, that’s the goal,” he added, when asked if the 30FPS target was the same for Xbox 360 and PS3.

“Right now we’re doing all the optimisation stuff. We’re still in the mode where we’re adding and changing content… Once we’re done changing content, then we can go back through and say, ‘OK, this is what the game’s going to look like,’ and [look at] where we can optimise the loading, and stuff like that.’”

Fallout 3, looking in nothing short of stunning form this morning, hits this autumn. We’ll bring fuller impressions of the demo as soon as possible.
