SCi “ready to talk” on new IP

By Patrick Garratt

New SCi CEO Phil Rogers reckons Eidos is on the look-out for new IP – despite having just binned 14 games.

“We have a full complement; we have fantastic franchises, next-gen titles, Wii and DS titles, casual and mobile games and we are developing some incredible game technology,” he said in an interview with MCV. “That said, we are always on the lookout for great property, from casual to next-gen titles and for distribution titles for our territory distribution offices. If the property is right, we are ready to talk.”

He added, talking of the recent project cancellations and lay-offs: “We want to be a leaner and fitter company in terms of what we do and what we release.

“In these situations you have to be honest, both internally and externally, and that is why we cancelled 14 titles. As a company we have been bringing out too many average games which are tying up resources. In today’s environment of lengthening development cycles and increasing costs, we need to be more ruthless and focus on our quality titles.”

Read the full thing through the link.
