Sierra Spring Break 08: New Spyro: Ricci to voice Cinder, Hamill the Dark Master, Oldman and Wood return

By Patrick Garratt


Speaking to videogaming247 at the Sierra Spring Break 08 in Mallorca last week, Legend of Sypro: Dawn of the Dragon senior producer Chris Wilson confirmed to videogaming247 that Christina Ricci and Mark Hammill will be voicing the game.

“Christina Ricci will be doing the voice of Cinder, which we’re really excited about,” he said. “We also have Mark Hammill; he’s the voice of the Dark Master.”

Wilson added: “We’re really excited about the voice cast. The previous two games had Elijah Wood doing the voice of Spyro and Gary Oldman doing the voice of Ignitus, the elder dragon. They’re both returning to do the voices again this year.”

We always knew Luke Skywalker was the Dark Master.

Spyro will be released PS3, 360, Wii, PS2 and DS in October.

By Mike Bowden
