Games threaten “Hollywood hegemony,” says Houser

By Patrick Garratt


Speaking in the June issue of Playboy, Rockstar boss Dan Houser’s said that the film industry doesn’t wholly support gaming because it’s a threat to its audience.

“It’s about economics,” he said. “We take market share and audience from other media – videogame makers are challenging the Hollywood hegemony – so they’re going to fight us. But I’m not going to fight them. I believe your Constitution protects us.”

Houser continued, saying games eat into movie entertainment market share because they essentially offer the same experience.

“These are works of fiction,” he said. “Playing a game that features violence is no different from choosing to see a violent movie. We’re not trying to create a ‘here’s real life’ sensation in a video game; it’s “you’re the star of a movie. We want to re-create the sensations you have watching movies. We’re putting those in a video game.”

Thanks, Kotaku.
