Rock Band 2 details surface in US surveys

By Patrick Garratt

According to Joystiq, EA is now conducting surveys in the US about various features in a Rock Band sequel.


  • The sequel will be full featured and will represent a jump similar to that from Guitar Hero I to GHII, or GHII to GHIII.
  • Separate questions ask the likelihood of purchasing Rock Band 2 Special Edition (i.e. the full instrument package) for $199, $169 and $149, respectively. All current Rock Band consoles (PS3, PS2, Xbox 360 and Wii) are mentioned.
  • There are questions concerning Rock Band Track Pack: Volume 1 and how many expansion packs you are expecting to purchase in the next six months.
  • The survey asks likelihood of purchasing Rock Band over a multi-instrument version of Guitar Hero.

More through the link, including first mention of an online mode for Rock Band 2.
