SCEE PlayStation Day: Everything else from the press conference, audio uploading now

By Patrick Garratt

Note to self: get bigger battery. You’ll be able to hear the entire press conference from the SCEE PlayStation Day in about 20 minutes. It ran to around 1 hour 20 mins, and we’re afraid our poor old laptop couldn’t handle it. Here’s what happened after it died:

  • MGS 40 Gb bundle confirmed for Europe
  • MotorStorm 2 presentation
  • Mirror’s Edge presentation and news that new trailer will be up on PSN on Thursday
  • News of a GT Academy competition, which is Europe-wide
  • Stuff about sponsorship of the FIFA Interactive World Cup
  • Blu-ray presentation (dull)
  • Stuff about GoView
  • 2.7 million people in the UK own a PSP
  • “Watch this space” on GoView for PS3
  • PS3 as a media server presentation
  • EyeToy Play Hero announcement
  • Pom Pom Party announcement
  • Echochrome section (nothing new)
  • SingStar demo (loads of figures)
  • “Movement” project across Europe, a TV show to find unsigned music talent
  • PlayTV demo – it’s launching in September for 99 euros
  • GoExplore
  • UMD PSP games going to be made available for download via PC Store this summer
  • SCEE’s beaten 4 million PS3 sales target it set at Leipzig, has sold 5 million in Europe
  • 3.2 million have now signed up to European PSN, 57 million pieces of content downloaded
