Schoolboy Jake Roberts, 13, was found hanged in his bedroom by father after a row which led to the confiscation of his new Wii game.
Jakes mother said at the inquest: “We gave him some money for his birthday so he went out and bought a computer game.
“When he came back he wanted to play it but his sister was using the television. He had a temper tantrum and stormed off upstairs.”
Jake’s father John said: “The door was open with his bed to my left behind the door. I was going to tell him off when I turned. It took me a few seconds to register what I was seeing.
“His school tie was round his neck and he was hung from his cabin bed. I tried to lift him and his tie was attached to a bar on the bed.”
Most likely nothing to do with videogames whatsoever, but nonetheless tragic.
More here.
By Mike Bowden
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