Gameplayer posts “mixed” thoughts on Too Human

By Patrick Garratt

Uh oh. Aussie site Gameplayer’s posted hands-on impressions of Too Human, and the words really don’t augur well.

“With PS3 owners smarter at the debacle which was Haze, could X360 fans have a similar embarrassment on the horizon with Too Human?”

The site played the action-RPG at an Australian Microsoft event, and while quick to point out that it’s too early to tell for definite what’s going on, one of the three writers involved in the piece was “left with very mixed opinions of the game.”

“Unfortunately the demo wasn’t all plasma pistols and meat paste; the graphics seen in the preview were a touch jaggy and inconsistent in places, especially with regards to facial detail in the cut-scenes,” the journo added.

“Also, the much touted ‘A.I controlled camera system’ (your right analogue handles melee now, remember) seems to be actively working for your Machine Presence enemies. There were a few times when I disengaged from a swarm of foes (to execute an admittedly pansy, yet totally tactical, retreat) and then it wouldn’t swing back around behind me when I chose to re-engage them with my ranged weapons. Frustrating, to say the least.”

Whoops. Another of the writers was more blunt.

“A lot of folks at the hands-on session last night commented that Too Human looks like a ‘poor man’s Mass Effect.’ Not in so many words — there was a lot of swearing thrown in, too. But there was a strong feeling that even if it wasn’t actually a rip-off, it looked like a rip-off — and that the game would suffer for it.”

Come in, Mr Dyack. Your time is up.
