Schachter calls for more Wii third-party hits

By Mike

UBS analyst Ben Schachter has called for higher profile third party titles for the Nintendo Wii following the May NPD software numbers.

“While overall hardware and software trends for the Nintendo Wii continue to be strong, we would like to see more third-party hits on the platform,” said Schachter.

“To date, Guitar Hero III, Sega of America’s Mario and Sonic: Olympic Games, and TTWO’s Carnival Games are the only third-party Wii games that have sold more than 1 million units to-date according to NPD, and there are many third-party Wii exclusives that have come-and-gone with minimal reaction from the market,” he added.

“Nintendo’s share of software dollars on its platform has approximated almost 50% since the Wii was introduced, and reached an all-time high in May of 68%.”

The statement comes after it was revealed that Spielberg’s Boom Blox only sold 60k, although NPD analyst Anita Frazier puts the poor performance down to EA’s puzzler being released in amongst “Super Smash Bros. Brawl, GTA IV, Wii Fit, Mario Kart and the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 4”.

Thanks GameDaily.

By Mike Bowden
