Thompson calls judge a “raving wild woman”

By Mike

In a letter to the Judicial Qualifications Commission, Jack Thompson has called judge Dava Junis a “raving wild woman” and labelled her “unhinged,” writes Kotaku.

Judge Dava Junis was the woman who recommended that Thompson be disbarred for 10 years and undergo a mental health exam.

In his letter which of course rebukes her recommendations, wild man Jack wrote:

Finally, maybe there is another explanation here: Maybe Dava Tunis is mentally impaired. The raving wild woman I saw in the last minutes of our trial in December 2007 in which she stood up behind her bench and was shouting and waving her arms was someone who had become unhinged. Is she still unhinged?

Last time round we wrote: “Jack, for Christ’s sake. Take the fucking hint.”

Looks like he didn’t.

By Mike Bowden
