Lanning: “Consoles are a problem”

By Patrick Garratt


He’s back. Oddworld boss Lorne Lanning has announced his return to the games industry by calling out consoles in general. As you do.

“Personally, I think the consoles are a problem,” he told GameDaily.

“Years ago I was excited about consoles, but anything that makes development more expensive, rather than better, faster, cheaper, I think is a step backwards. When I look at what’s happening, it’s a bit disappointing because the consoles are running into a place where affordable games are having a rough time getting out there.”

PC’s where it’s at, apparently.

“I’m more excited about what I see happening on PC because I see it allowing for more smaller games to be sold that can be delivered to anyone who’s connected at much lower price points,” he added.

More through the link.
