Nintendo to generate more revenue per employee this year than Goldman Sachs in 2007

By Patrick Garratt

According to this FT story, each Nintendo employee is set to make more money for the company this year than the average Goldman Sachs employee did during its record-breaking 2007.

From Edge:

Nintendo employs under 3,000 staff, each of whom takes home an average annual salary of $90,900 a year. Assuming the platform holder achieves its net profit target of 410 billion yen ($3.9bn) in 2008, each employee will generate the company $1.6 million in profit, according to the paper’s calculations.

In comparison, the average Goldman Sach’s employee generated $1.24 million in profit for the firm before tax and pay in 2007, and received a $660,000 pay packet. The equivalent figure for Google is reportedly $626,000.

Who knew? More through the link.
