According to peer-to-peer research firm Big Champagne, levels of piracy surrounding Spore are off the chart, with more than 35,000 copies of the game being leeched on Wednesday this week alone.
“The numbers are extraordinary,” said company boss Eric Garland. “This is a very high level of torrent activity even for an immensely popular game title.”
As of Thursday this week, the game had been downloaded 171,402 times since September 1.
DRM issues are obviously being blamed for the trend, with some users actively calling for the title to be pirated.
“By downloading this torrent, you are doing the right thing,” said Pirate Bay posted ‘deathkitten’. “You are letting [EA] know that people won’t stand for their ridiculously draconian ‘DRM’ viruses.
“You have the power to make this the most pirated game ever, to give corporate bastards a virtual punch in the face.”
More on Forbes.
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