How much does it cost to make a Beatles game? A lot. We don’t know how much MTV had to pay to be able to work on an exclusive game based on the band’s music, but it wasn’t cheap, Sony Music boss Martin Bandier, told Variety.
“There have been mutterings from artists and songwriters that they are not being offered their fair share in videogames, but the gamemakers have the leverage,” he said. “In the world of rock, there are thousands of tracks that will work, but when you get into the world of unique artists, that leverage shifts, tremendously, to the artists and songwriters.
“We signed a deal that would be considered very rich by the videogame company but fair for the artists. It will have online implications that will be enormous.”
MTV and Apple Corp announced yesterday that a rhythm action game based on the Beatles’ music will release at the end of next year.
Plenty more on Variety, there.
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