Ubi: Endwar’s not about being a blockbuster on day one

By Patrick Garratt


Tom Clancy’s EndWar’s going into shops day and date with Gears of War 2 on November 7, but Ubisoft Shanghai director Michael de Plater isn’t worried. The voice-comm strategy game is likely to be a slow burn, he told VG247.

“I don’t think EndWar’s all about being a blockbuster on day one,” he said.

“I think it’s a new type of game and there’s not really any direct competition. I think word of mouth is going to spread, and I think people are going to buy it and they’re going to have a lot of fun with it. I think it’s going to be on the shelves for a long time.”

De Plater isn’t scared of going out on the same day as Epic’s blockbusting action game, saying that the fact that more people will be in stores that day may even be a plus.

“I think there’ll be a lot of people going into the shops on those days, and I think we’re a different sort of game,” he added.

“Christmas is so big that if it wasn’t Gears of War 2 it’d be Fable II or Fallout or Left 4 Dead, or whatever. I just want to get the game on the shelves as soon as possible.”
