LBP level gets axed for no discernible reason

By Patrick Garratt


Oh dear. Kotaku’s reporting the case of a LittleBigPlanet level called The Azure Palace has been deleted from the game’s servers for apparently no reason whatsoever.

There’s a bit of a ding dong going on about it on the intertubes, as the owner – seemingly quite rightly, if you look take a look at a walkthrough of the level after the break – is claiming it doesn’t infringe on anyone’s copyright.

Copyright issues have been used so far as the main reason for “moderating” user-content in the game.

“I invested a huge amount of time making The Azure Palace to not only be original, but to shift the gameplay of this wonderful game you guys made,” said the level’s creator.

“Besides similarities to underwater stages in general, there is nothing directly taken from any game/movie/etc. If there so happened to be one, the terms of moderation are by far extremely irrational.”

No explanation for the deletion’s been given as yet.

So. Going well, then?
