Eurogamer’s gone live with a piece based on a trip to Paris to see Quantic Dream’s Heavy Rain – get it here.
There’s some new images through there, as well as photos from the visit. Snip:
“When the game was released, you guys wrote that the most interesting part was probably the first two-thirds where we were just following normal people in normal life, and we were just with them. Working on Heavy Rain, we just decided [the ending] is not a mistake we should do again. We can tell a real story about real people in real life, and we can make it as interesting as anything else.” Cage may be polarisingly self-assured, but it’s the first time since we arrived in France that we’ve decided he’s wrong. This is more interesting than anything else.
Also, there appears to be a little toing and froing going on over those CVG shots posted earlier. The site’s watermark’s vanished from the screens to leave 1UP’s stamp. And yet in the shots originally posted, this wasn’t the case. What the Sam Hell could have happened here?
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