According to a report by NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts), the UK looks set to slip down two places to fifth in the worldwide game rankings.
The report – titled Raise the Game – cites a skills shortage, funding crisis, a lack of global scale publishers and poor online development in the region as the reason for the slip.
“UK videogames producers are recognised to be amongst the most innovative in the world. Our recommendations offer ways that the Government can boost the power of this sector so that we maintain our strong global position,” said Jonathan Kestenbaum, CEO of NESTA.
“The generous tax breaks on offer from other countries are resulting in a mass exodus of some of the best talent in the UK. In order to put a halt to this, the UK needs to wake up to the value in this sector and beat these foreign incentives with our own supportive measures,” he added.
According to GI, NESTA reckons “simplified research and development tax credit system and to focus on the development of skills” could be a way for Britain to work its way back up the league table.
More through the link.
By Mike Bowden
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