Microsoft: Knothole Island not free

By Mike


Microsoft has told videogaming247 that the “Free” Knothole Island we linked to earlier is simply allow players who can’t be bothered buy it, the chance to play co-op with their mates.

“The free update will grant players a handful of gifts from the fine people of Knothole Island and will enable those who haven’t purchased Knothole Island downloadable content to continue the co-op action with their friends,” says the forwarded release.

“Some of the fun items include: Knight’s Boots, Assassins Gloves, a special Weight Loss Potion, a collectible silver book and more. The update will also enable players to check their standing in over 50 new Leaderboards on”

We’re told that you can get to the docks, but the ship’s Captain won’t give you access to the Island unless you pay up.

He does give you the swag mentioned above though.

Thanks, evilashchris.

By Mike Bowden
