Rockstar prices The Lost and Damned [Update]

By Mike


EG is reporting that Rockstar has priced 360 exclusive GTA IV DLC, The Lost and Damned, at 1600 MS Points.

So, in real world terms, you’re expected to fork out roughly £14/€19 for the expansion when it’s released on February 17.

A new screenshot was released yesterday alongside all the achievement details, in case you didn’t see it then.

Eurogamer will also be publishing its The Lost and Damned preview at 6pm GMT today. So watch out for that.

Update: EG’s preview is now live. Here’s the bit we liked best:

In gameplay terms, the biggest change is that, while Niko was often a lonely figure on missions, Johnny is regularly surrounded by his gang, who provide backup in battles, and company on the road. Thankfully, they take care of themselves pretty well, with no need for Tom Clancy-style squad controls. Instead, there’s a subtle incentive to keep them alive by watching their backs during shoot-outs: any gang members who survives a mission will gradually level up, becoming harder to kill, and sharper of shot. If they’re offed, however, they’ll be replaced by less useful newcomers, and the process begins anew.

Full thing through the link.

By Mike Bowden
