DirectX 10 and Vista required for Stormrise PC

By Stephany Nunneley


Looks like if you want to play Stormrise on PC you better get an upgrade if you already haven’t: apparently the RTS will be one of the first to require both DirectX 10 and Vista.

“Stormrise has been designed for DirectX 10 and Vista only right from the start,” said Stormrise lead designer Artem Kulakov, who later clarified: “Vista only. DX10 only. No fallback option. We have never suggested this or hinted at it, so it shouldn’t be a surprise.”

“DX10 has offered a lot of advantages over DX9,” he added. “First of all, DirectX 10 allowed us to simplify the rendering engine.

“It matches capabilities of next generation consoles better than DX9, which is important for us considering that Stormrise is a multi-platform title. We had fewer driver-specific compatibility issues with Stormrise compare to our previous games released with DX9.”

Game’s out this month for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Full thing through the link. Thanks, Shacknews.
