GDC: Ubisoft announces new RTS, RUSE [Update]

By Patrick Garratt


Update: RPS has a ton of stuff on this.

Update 2: Movie after the break.

Ubisoft just announced RUSE, a cross-platform RTS for release before the end of the publisher’s current financial year in March 2010.

It’s being put together by Act of War: Direct Action developer Eugen.

“Ubisoft is known for innovation and R.U.S.E. continues that tradition, offering the most immense and detailed maps ever seen in an RTS,” said Ubisoft senior marketing VP Tony Key.

“Players can explore the maps using IRISZOOM Engine, which provides an aerial, smooth interaction unlike anything ever seen before.”

The game allows a satellite view scaling from high in the sky to right down in the action.

More on this soon. It’s coming for PC, PS3 and 360.
