Live play charts for week of April 13 – Halo 3 still on top

By Stephany Nunneley


Halo 3 is top of this week’s Live play charts. No musical chairs between it and the CoD titles since last week, but look for CoD: WaW to commandeer the throne again in next week’s list: it had a Double XP event over the weekend.

Xbox 360 Top Live Titles

  1. Halo 3
  2. Call of Duty: World at War
  3. Call of Duty 4
  4. Gears of War 2
  5. GTA IV
  7. FIFA 09
  8. Left 4 Dead
  9. Halo Wars
  10. Guitar Hero World Tour

Get all the Arcade and Community stuff after the break.

Top Arcade Titles

  1. OutRun Online Arcade
  2. Hasbro Family Game Night
  3. Castle Crashers
  4. The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai
  5. Worms
  6. Peggle
  7. UNO
  8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Classic Arcade
  9. 3 on 3 NHL Arcade
  10. Puzzle Quest: Galactrix

Original Xbox Top Live Titles

  1. Halo 2
  2. Star Wars: Battlefront 2
  3. Counter-Strike
  4. Fable
  5. Conker: Live Reloaded
  6. Splinter Cell Chaos
  7. Doom 3
  8. Star Wars: Battlefront
  9. SW: Republic Commando
  10. Burnout 3

Top Community Games

  1. RC-AirSim
  2. Rumble Massage
  3. DrumKit
  4. Aquarium HD
  5. Rabid Gophers
  6. Remote Masseuse
  7. Pwned
  8. NextWar: The Quest for Earth
  9. Little Racers
  10. Miner Dig Deep
