Capcom: Mystery E3 game is “NOT” Devil May Cry 5

By Mike


The Capcom Unity twitter page, @Capcom_Unity, has said that the second of it’s mystery E3 reveals will not be Devil May Cry 5.

“Hot rumor bust of the day: Capcom E3 Mystery Title #2 is not — repeat, NOT — Devil May Cry 5. Now, what do you think it is?” said the tweet.

Cubed3 has listed all the the hints so far:

  • Capcom fact # 1: It’s NOT Devil May Cry 5
  • Capcom fact # 2: It’s an action game
  • Capcom fact # 3: It’s from an established Capcom franchise
  • Capcom fact # 4: It’s not a remake
  • Capcom fact # 5: It’s being developed by Capcom Japan

Only a week to go until we find out. We can hardly wait.
