Evolved issues recall of Terminator: Salvation PC version

By Stephany Nunneley


Evolved Games has issued a recall of its PC version of Terminator: Salvation over reports of install errors.

Reports surfaced earlier this morning, after the game’s official release, that “Error Code: -5006 : 0x80070002” kept gamers from installing the game on their PC.

A representative from Evolved has told 1UP that it was a “defect that occurred during replication of the PC version of Terminator Salvation.”

“The Xbox 360 and PS3 are not affected and function properly,” said the rep. “We have recalled all PC copies of Terminator Salvation from retail in North America and are currently in the process of replicating new copies.”

A “replacement plan for all end users that that purchased the defect units” has gone into effect with details to be “announced shortly.”

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