Mills: I’d appear in game where Sun journos were shocked at the “privates”

By Patrick Garratt


This was never going to be pretty. Following a Sun story this afternoon that claimed Paul McCartney ex Heather Mills demanded a “six-figure sum” to appear in Capcom’s Bionic Commando, the amputee model has said she’d like to appear in a game in which journalists from the paper were shocked at the genitals from a lie detector.

“I know one game I’d happily appear in and I’d do it for free,” she said on her Twitter account.

“Connect Sun journalists to a lie detector machine which triggers an electric current attached to their privates.

“If they tell the truth they’d get a good boy drop. But if they tell a porkie pie… it’d give them a short sharp shock to the privates.”

Mills went on to say the Sun’s journalists would likely have fun at the treatment.

“They’d probably enjoy it and not only would we all be able to tell Sun fact from fiction,” she said. “One day’s power surge from their uncontrollable bullshit would generate enough power to light up England each and every week.

“Now that’s what I call alternative energy.”

The Sun’s original story said Mills had turned down involvement in the game after Capcom refused to pay a significant sum of money.

Mills reacted, saying the money was to be a charitable donation.

Capcom declined to comment on the matter this afternoon.
