Next Tomb Raider movie to be based on a younger Lara

By Stephany Nunneley


Looks like the next Tomb Raider flick will be more of an “origins” experience by focusing on a a younger version of Lara Croft.

Producer Dan Lin confirmed the project during the premiere of his film, Terminator: Salvation.

“We’re rebooting Lara Croft. Really excited – it’s a great origin story that we’re going to tell. A very character-oriented I would say more realistic than the past Lara Croft movies,” he told

“I would say it’s like Terminator – character-driven action. I think for me the Lara Croft games and movies have gone a little too action-oriented. I wanted to have action, but with character.”

An actress has yet to be cast, but it has been rumored that Megan Fox is up for the role.

Thanks, TombRaiderFanboy.
