Tripwire issues a patch for Killing Floor, should solve server issues

By Stephany Nunneley


Reports from many sources were claiming that Killing Floor had some connection issues that were hindering server log-ins.

Tripwire has apparently fixed these issues with a patch which will be applied automatically when logging into Steam.

Here’s just the partial list:

Server Browser

  • Fixed the in game server browser not showing all servers
  • Fixed the “Perks enabled server” icon not showing up in the server browser
  • Fixed some server browser filters not working right. Also added the ability to filter servers by Perks enabled and filter by difficulty
  • Added the ability to sort the server list by difficulty
  • Servers that cannot be reached because they are behind a firewall will show up with a ping of 9999 in the server browser. This is the cause of most “connection failed” messages
  • Fixed the “Stats Name/Password” popup box that was popping up but shouldn’t have been
  • Fixed a “Warning” box that was appearing but shouldn’t have been
  • Added a message when attempting to host a listen server notifying the user what ports they must have open on their firewall to host the game

The rest of the list can be found here.
