Epic explains Memorial Day event’s matchmaking issues

By Stephany Nunneley


Last Month over Memorial Day weekend, Epic ran an “Old School” event for Gears of War 2, which saw some users having matchmaking issues.

The problems were reminiscent of matchmaking snafus right after the game launched, but according to Rod Fergusson, it wasn’t Epic’s fault this time.

“Our investigations have shown that the reported issue has to do with a very small minority of players with very poor network connections,” he told TeamXbox in a statement. “When they attempt to host a matchmaking party, they are not able to find matches due to their high network latency.

“We could increase the ping threshold to allow these players to host but it would have an overall negative effect on the global Gears 2 community as they would begin finding games with greater latency. So while this isn’t ideal for a tiny minority of players, it is much better overall for the majority of players. For the players that have this issue, the easiest answer is simply to join another player’s matchmaking party instead of trying to host one themselves.

“In terms of when this began, we’ve been making continuous optimizations to the matchmaking experience, and the perceived timing of recent changes with the “Old School” weekend is purely coincidental.”

So there ya go.
