Telltale CEO Dan Connors said the idea of being able to act in an adventure game could be made possible by Project Natal and that the full body motion sensor is a “huge thing” for what the company is doing.
“Obviously with the type of games that we make, the idea of making a person an actor inside of one of our adventures is an idea that’s been theoretical for a long time, ” he said to Videogamer. “It’s nice to see things happening that can get it closer.”
“It’s a huge opportunity to give the user more ways to interact with the world than just the traditional cursor-based and dialogue-based way in which the games work,” said Connors.
“Our focus is about creating really entertaining scenarios and characters, so removing barriers to experiencing that and making it easier and more natural to interact with, is a huge thing for what we’re doing.
“The number of ideas and types of designs that you could do around it are… it’s just the kind of thing that gets your creative teams going. For us, having the user be able to be a character in one of the worlds and solve mysteries and puzzles is a huge deal, a huge leap forward.”
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