Will Wright says that balance is the key to team building

By Stephany Nunneley


Will Wright sat down and had a chat with the New York Times regarding hiring team members, and what he looks for when deciding on who welcome into the fold.

One of the things he tries to focus on is diversity, whether it be a recent college graduate, or “veteran” with many years of experience in the industry.

“When you are building a team, there is a balance issue,” he told the paper. “There are seasoned veterans I’ve worked with 10 or 15 years. And then you have these young kids coming out of graduate courses who are very motivated and they’re not set in their ways. And they actually work very well together. And we’ll have another third that is kind of an eclectic mixture.

“I think there is a lot of value in diversity. Some of the early games we did tended to appeal a little bit more to women than most other games. So we started getting the highest-qualified women in the game industry coming to us first. So there’s a gender diversity and there’s an age diversity.

“If you look at a lot of game companies, it’s primarily 25-year-old guys working in them.”

He also chats about how he filters prospective hires and how he learned a lot more from failures than successes.

Via Kotaku.
