PC digital download charts for week ending July 5

By Stephany Nunneley


Since NPD has decided to no longer release weekly PC sales figures, the world will just have to rely on the digital download charts from outlets such as Steam and Direct2Drive.

Here’s what people purchased last week courtesy of Kotkau:


  1. Fallout 3
  2. ArmA II
  3. Dawn of Discovery
  4. 2K Huge Games Pack
  5. Street Fighter IV
  6. Left 4 Dead
  7. Call of Juarez
  8. Overlord II
  9. Trine
  10. CS: Source


  1. ArmA II
  2. Aion (pre-sale)
  3. The Sims 3
  4. The Sims 3 (Mac)
  5. Dawn of Discovery
  6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  7. Call of Juarez
  8. Overlord 2
  9. Civilization 4: The Complete Edition
  10. Fallout 3
