David Cage: Heavy Rain demo a “possibility”

By Nathan Grayson


Speaking with VG247 at GamesCom, Quantic Dream’s David Cage said that, while his company might drizzle out a demo of Heavy Rain, it won’t be easy.

“[A demo]’s currently in discussion. So yeah, that’s a possibility. At the same time, though, it’s difficult to find one scene that will represent the game and do justice to it,” he told us.

“It’s like asking a movie director, ‘Can you show me two minutes of your movie that will show what the movie’s about?’ Well yeah, I can show you a teaser, but if I show you two minutes from the movie, it’s very difficult to understand the atmosphere and what’s going on.”

This article’s basically a demo of the full interview. Are you having a hard time figuring out the atmosphere of our chat with David? Then why not read the full thing?
