While speaking with GI.biz, EA president Frank Gibeau told the site that Dante’s Inferno has a “tighter” consumer position than Dead Space because the game’s location is a place everyone is familiar with. Hell.
“I think when you look at Dante’s Inferno you start with something that everybody has some knowledge of, which is Hell, and the idea that you go into Hell as a hero and fight demons… that’s something that resonates with a lot of people,” he said.
“So we found early on that the game, tied to the poem, had an interesting angle to it that allowed us to really step into the concept of going to Hell and fighting. What we’ve found so far – among them anger, lust, treachery, gluttony – everyone can relate to those things.
“Everybody knows about the River Styx, the nine circles – it’s just one of those things where people… vampires, zombies, Hell – there are certain perennial things that people gravitate to for great story-telling back-drops, and in Dante’s that’s been easily the thing that’s worked.”
The full interview is through the link above, and while a long read, it’s a damn good one.
Thanks, D’toid.
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