Rumor: GamesCom document reveals new PS3 SKU

By Nathan Grayson


PlayStation LifeStyle‘s gotten its hands on some very juicy — sumptuous, even — gossip, in the form of an alleged Sony GamesCom document. This telling piece of intel reveals, among other things, a new PS3 SKU, which is apparently set to be announced during Sony’s GameCom presser.

Click through the link to see the full document for yourself. Honestly, though, the info looks a bit dodgy to us, so we’re taking this one with a grain of salt. Plus, it’s a document. We could whip up a document right now that says Sony’s announcing the PS4 tomorrow, with a new Ridge Racer and an even more historically accurate Genji game set on the moon.

We’ve asked Sony for comment, so hopefully we’ll hear back on this soon.
