Beatles: Rock Band studio sequences feature “dreamscapes”

By Stephany Nunneley


Songs in The Beatles: Rock Band that take place in a studio setting feature animations, which Harmonix refers to as “dreamscapes”.

These graphics are inspired by the song playing and DLC albums for the game will get similar treatment.

“DLC songs which don’t end up in historical venues will have custom dreamscapes, yes,” said the game’s lead artist, Dare Matheson, to Joystiq. lead artist for the game. “There will be visual themes and elements that will stretch from the on-disc dreamscapes into the DLC dreamscapes, but everyone is custom, unique, and fully-crafted for the song it will accompany.”

You can read the rest of the post through the link, and while you are headed Joystiq’s way, check out the interview the site has posted with Chris Foster, the game’s lead designer.
