Guitar Hero boss: Music hasn’t peaked, 80% of console owners still don’t have a rhythm game

By Patrick Garratt


Guitar Hero CEO Dan Rosensweig is a silver lining kineaguy. Sales in the music games sector may be down nearly 50 percent this year, but all he sees is the fact that four fifths of games consoles don’t have a music title attached to them.

“We’re focused on providing value to the consumer, so I don’t think [the music games market’s] saturated,” he told CNBC.

“If you actually look at the consoles that are out there on a global basis, less than 20 percent actually have a music game. So there’s the next 80 percent that we have the opportunity to go after.

!There’s more consoles, those consoles are getting more connected, and we have the opportunity to sell more into that audience.”

Hell yeah. Did you Activision expects Guitar Hero to be the “number two selling game franchise” this year next to Call of Duty? You do now. Watch that movie.
