Chat with Muzyka and Zeschuck on all things DAO tomorrow

By Johnny Cullen

BioWare Doctors

Want to talk to the good old doctors at BioWare that are Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuck? Tomorrow, you can.

The EU PS Blog is holding a live Q&A sesh with the docs on all things Dragon Age: Origins.

The live Q&A will be taking place here at 7pm BST, so make sure you get your questions prepared in advance and do whatever you can to be here tomorrow. You can set an email reminder for youself in the window below. On Friday, try to keep your questions as relevant to Dragon Age as possible – you might want to ask about upcoming DLC or their Warden’s Quest event.

Or you know, sneak in Mass Effect for the PS3. It will be raised, innit.

Anyways, check it out. We’ll be here if anything big from the chat happens.
