EEDAR: Wii game scores seem to be better due to unreviewed titles

By Stephany Nunneley


EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich has suggested that the reason scores for Wii games have increased by 6 percent this year, is due to a lot of titles not getting reviewed.

Comparing titles released from January to June during both 2008 and 2009, EEDAR concocted a graph showing the number of titles per platform that were reviewed with a percentage showing the amount not reviewed.

“While the Wii has experienced a rise in average review scores (from 60 to 66), this has come at the benefit of critics ignoring some titles that could have possibly dragged down the Wii’s average,” stated Divnich, noting that unreviewed Wii titles weren’t “core-targeted titles”.

Same with the other two consoles.

More through IndustryGamers, via Joystiq.
