Rumor: Netflix currently in “testing stages” and coming “very shortly” to Wii

By Stephany Nunneley


Streaming media analyst Dan Rayburn has said that a source of his “involved in the project” told him that Nintendo is in the “testing stages” with Netflix.

The source even went so far as to say the service will arrive on the console “very shortly”.

“What I’m hearing is that Nintendo originally planned to bring the Netflix service to the Wii before the end of this year,” he wrote, “which still might take place, but that Nintendo is also considering holding off on the Netflix service until they release their next generation Wii HD unit in early 2010.”

Rayburn also claims to have images of the service, but declined to share the shots with Business Insider, because he didn’t want it to come back to haunt his source.

Michael Pachter said yesterday that Netflix on Wii will be announced “in the next 12 months”.
