[Update] Uncharted 2 content and mandatory update hit

By Stephany Nunneley


Update: Uncharted 2 has a mandatory update at the ready, which fixes different things, but there is also the Double Cash Weekend which starts today and lasts until November 2. In every match during this weekend, you’ll be getting twice the Cash award you normally would for completing typical game actions online.

Naughty Dog devs will also be playing, and they ask that you “free to say hi, ask any questions or shoot at our characters”. Also, there might be “something spooky around the next corner”.

Full thing through the US PS Blog.

Original: Naughty Dog has teased its Twitter followers with a creepy picture of what may be future content for the game.

Here’s the tweet which was followed by a link to picture above:

Working late tonight, got a ton of things that need to get done.

While it appears to be Skelzors from the Wrecked Train map, who knows what the developer has in store for players. It’s all a bit of speculation at this point.

More through the tweet link.
