Resident Evil 5 Alternate Edition DLC gets detailed

By Stephany Nunneley

Resident Evil 5 Lost in Nightmares

Famitsu has detailed the DLC for the Alternative Edition of Resident Evil 5, and it includes new costumes and a Mercenaries Reunion, which has the same rules as the original but lets you play as previously unplayable characters.

There will also be another chapter, which has yet to be revealed, and the already announced Lost in Nightmares flashback episode and motion control for the PS3 version.

The DLC will be released separately, and the pricing listed is for Japan. It will likely be the same when released elsewhere.

  • Lost in Nightmares Episode – 400 MS Points ($5)
  • Costume Pack 1 – 160 MS Points ($2)
  • Costume Pack 2 – 160 MS Points ($2)
  • Additional TBA Episode – 400 MS Points ($5)

Via Joystiq, Andriasang.
