By Stephany Nunneley
Holy media overload Batman! Gamespot has released seven gameplay videos for Modern Warfare 2.
We’re sure there’s more you can watch over there, but we’re too overwhelmed with these at the moment.
Here’s the list:
- Entrenched Rooftop: American forces hold a rooftop with a mobile turret
- Tarmac Shootout: Terrorists battle with elite anti-terror forces on the tarmac of an airport
- Favelas Gameplay: The team chases an arms dealer through violent slums
- UAV Strikes:Outgunned soldiers call in missile strikes from an orbiting UAV
- Chaos in the Streets: An American convoy is ambushed and makes a desperate escape
- Dual-Wielding Shotguns: A player uses a couple of shotguns to flank the enemy
- Missile Goes Awry: A team of soldiers trapped on a roof calls in missile strikes
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