WiiFit study implies that WiiSports provides a better workout

By Stephany Nunneley


The American Council on Exercise has issued a report on the effectiveness of WiiFit and how much of an impact it makes using it as a sole means for exercise and physical fitness.

To make things more official and accurate, the council enlisted the help of research experts John Porcari, Alexa Carroll, and Carl Foster from the University of Wisconsin La Crosse Exercise and Health Program.

The study conduced by the researchers included 16 volunteers, male and female, ages 20 to 24 years and the results concluded that while “anything was better than nothing”, WiiFit should be used in addition to a exercise program, not as the only means.

“I guess anything is better than nothing, but we were a little bit underwhelmed with the exercise intensity of some of the exercises,” said John Porcari, PhD. “The Wii Fit is a very, very mild workout.

“You’re better off doing Wii Sports than Wii Fit. In Wii Sports there’s more jumping around, and you’re not constrained by having to stand on the balance pad. I just think there’s much more freedom of movement and you get a better workout.”

“Since using the Wii Fit alone may not produce results that meet recommended physical activity, guidelines” notes study author Alexa Carroll, M.S., “it is important that individuals participate in additional exercises to effectively reach these guidelines.”

The full study can be read through this lovely PDF document.
