Naughty Dog and Double Fine to present at GDC 2010

By Stephany Nunneley


Game Developers Conference organizers announced today that Naughty Dog and Double Fine will both provide presentations at GDC 2010.

Five different lectures pertaining to Uncharted 2 and its production will be given by Naughty Dog at the conference, one by director Bruce Straley and co-lead designer Neil Druckmann discussing story and gameplay integration, and the second known presentation will be from art directors Robh Ruppel and Erick Pangilinan discussing the artsy end.

Double Fine’s lead programmer Peter Demoreuille and technical/VFX artist Drew Skillman will discuss visual design for Brutal Legend, and it was also announced that Jonathan Blow will discuss the programming behind Braid.

The conference takes place March 9-13 in San Fransisco, with more speakers and events to be announced.

Thanks, Cinemablend.
