ESRB listing counts swears uttered in Dead to Rights: Retribution

By Stephany Nunneley


The ESRB has rated Dead to Rights: Retribution, and unsurprisingly gave the game a Mature rating. No big deal in and of itself, right?

Funnily enough though, it provides you with information on how many times certain swear words are uttered.

Not only can you order your dog Shadow to bite people in the face and maul their necks, you will hear the word fuck uttered 275 times, and shit 90 times.

Players may also see a man snort some cocaine too. How retro.

Here’s a blurb, courtesy of TheSixthAxis:

[Shadow] pounces, bites, and digs into the chests of enemies crying out in pain—blood surfaces out of bodies like funneled dirt. And similar to the close-up clinch and disarm moves, the takedown attacks involve more dramatic, protracted instances of killing (sequences often culminating in quick-time events—watching a triggered one-to-two-second cutscene of the kill); these finishing moves depict neck-snapping, back-breaking, electrocution (from a gun, not an interrogator), shooting enemies in the back of the head while down, planting explosives on their shoulders and backs. That is why, Intense Violence at M.

The last video released for the game showed a bit of this off, and looking through the ESRB description, makes us wonder what else was “toned down” for the game other than photo-realism.

Game’s out in the spring for PS3 and Xbox 360.
