Greenpeace has issued another electronics ranking survey, citing how well each company does by reducing its environmental footprint.
Per usual, the advocacy group finds fault with Nintendo, putting it at the bottom of the list once again.
While the non-profit was harsh on Nintendo, it wasn’t cake and ice cream for Sony and Microsoft either.
The organization gave Sony a middle-of-the road score of 5.1 – which it maintained from the last listing – due to the corporation needing to “lobby for stronger chemicals legislation.”
Microsoft was given a 2.4, which is down from its last score of 2.7, stating that the Seattle giant failed to “support strong chemicals legislation”. This score was given despite MS’s new, less-sturdy plastic game boxes which are said to contain less plastics, thus “helping” out with the landfill problem and was apparently not taken into account considering it was not even mentioned.
Nintendo, who apparently shoots wolves from planes with Sarah Palin in its spare time, was given the lowest score as it once again failed to cooperate with Greenpeace on the matter.
Apparently, there’s baby seal essence listed in the chemical ingredients of Wii and Nintendo doesn’t want Greenpeace to get wind of this. Nor the fact the console’s paint job consists of blood derived from its secret stash of polar bear livers.
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